We developHyper­smart Robotics

Artificial intelligence for the next generation of industrial robots. Intelligent. Versatile. Sensitive.

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  • robotcloud


Our vision.
Unlimited learning.

Many industries are undergoing fundamental change. Economic success and productivity increasingly depend on the ability to adapt quickly to new situations. Not just once but again and again. Industrial robots will play a crucial role in this scenario, provided they bring the appropriate capabilities.

AI software from Robotcloud is preparing them for this challenge.

Thanks to our software, robots will move autonomously through their work environments, learn new processes quickly and flexibly, and show the kind of sensitivity in execution that has only been evident in humans. Robot learning processes will become shorter, more intuitive, and more context-sensitive. They learn from every job. With every activity, they become a little better. Smart capabilities become a hypersmart system, available exactly where needed.

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    Without human intelligence, there’s no AI. Join us on our hypersmart mission!

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    Learn how we can unleash new productivity for you.

Our goal:
Making complexity simple

Every human action is multi-layered. Even simple everyday movements, such as wrapping a gift, require coordination and dexterity. Industrial robots should be able to perform these complex movements as effortlessly as we do, without extensive teaching. But they can’t. Not yet.

AI software from Robotcloud is changing all that by significantly shortening the time-to-productivity of industrial robots. This benefits environments with frequently changing tasks in particular. In the future, the required motor skills will simply be downloaded from the cloud, adapted to the specific scenario in an intuitive learning process, and off we go.

In our imagination, there will soon be a large library of motion intelligence where skills suitable for every task will be available on demand. Everyone working with robots should have access to it, exactly as each job requires. Then a robot could finally be what it really should be: a flexible, immediately deployable, cost-efficient member of the workforce.

  • robotcloud
    Shorter learning processes

    Faster operational readiness and time to productivity.

  • robotcloud
    Improved execution

    Fine motor skills open up new applications (e.g., packaging).

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    Higher versatility

    Ideal for environments where tasks are constantly changing.

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    Modular principle

    Use of individual or combined movements as needed.

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    Greater efficiency

    Bundling of tasks (e.g., quality control, engraving, packaging in one).

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    Versatile compatibility

    Works with industrial robots from all leading manufacturers.

Application fields

  • lay down

  • glue on

  • load

  • rotate

  • deburr

  • place

  • pack

  • move

  • zusammenschieben

What are we working on?

Pioneering solutions in the innovative field of robotics is our passion. We are working on these big questions:

  • How can we make robot learning easier and faster
  • How can we bring more flexibility to automated environments
  • How do we breathe more sensitivity into robots
  • Can robots handle unforeseeable events
  • What comes first in future investment decisions: software or hardware

Development partner

Great ideas need strong partners. Robotcloud cooperates with the following manufacturers, system integrators, and institutions.
We’re always open to new partnerships: partner@robotcloud.eu

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  • robotcloud
  • robotcloud
  • robotcloud
  • robotcloud
  • robotcloud

Get in Touch

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    No AI without human intelligence. Collaborate on our hypersmart vision!

  • Discover

    Learn how we can unleash new productivity for you.